We spent a couple of minutes with Patrick Williams, the beverage director of one of Detroit’s hottest new spots to come to town, Punch Bowl Social.

Daily Detroit: Where do you come from? How did end up at Punch Bowl Social?

Patrick Williams: We’re based out of Denver. I was slinging drinks back in Denver, heard about the Punch Bowl opportunity in 2011, I had a year to wrap my head around it, and then we opened in November 2012.

What does a year of wrapping your head around it mean?

Well, you go from being a bar manager at a small cocktail bar and then thinking how to grow a national brand. Every six months we’ve opened a place since we opened up our first store in Denver. It’s progression; it’s thinking forward and trying to be in three places at one time.

What is the thing you are most proud of with this Detroit location?

I think it’s one of our cocktails. I’ve got to be honest, it’s one of our best we’ve ever had. It’s called Same Thing We Do Every Night Pinky. It features two local products, the Short’s Soft Parade, it’s a rye fruit ale. As well as McClary Brothers Apple Pie Shrub. They’re a local company that make shrubs, they have an apple pie and a few other ones. With a bear cocktail, it’s hard to pull it off of you don’t have a concentrated flavor, and it just paired perfectly with the Soft Parade.

Are you in Detroit permanently or are you on to the next location?

Well I get a little bit of a break to move back to Denver for a few weeks. We’re opening up Cleveland sometime before June. Cleveland is the next destination.

There has only been a few Punch Bowl Socials opened, why Detroit so early in the roll-out?

Detroit was so appealing to us because of the resurgence. Because of bringing businesses down here that are going to help rebuild the integrity of the city, the food and beverage scene. We were super excited about that opportunity and we jumped at the opportunity to party with Bedrock and bring our operation to Detroit.

Have you been to any of the local spots for good drink?

Absolutely. I’ve been to Wright & Co. I had some great drinks there. Last night we were at the slider joint, the Green Dot Stables. That was pretty cool.