Uber every once in awhile likes to deliver interesting things via their fleet of on-demand drivers. Before, it has been kittens. Tomorrow, in time for Fat Tuesday, they’ll be doing Paczki.

You can request PACZKI (it’ll be where you can currently select UberX, UberSUV, etc on the bottom) in the Uber app in Detroit on Tuesday, February 9.  You’ll receive a box of paczkis on-demand from West Warren Bakery. They’re using the hashtag #UberPACZKI to promote the event.
  • Open your app on February 9 starting at 7am
  • Request the “PACZKI” option
  • For $25 a dozen fresh, delicious paczkis will be delivered to you in minutes
They expect that demand will be high, so you may have to try a few times to get it.  #UberPACZKI is also available in Grand Rapids with paczkis from Sandy’s Donuts.