Today’s show focuses on a second big company in metro Detroit going public.

You know them as United Shore, but as this show is being published the giant letters on their Pontiac headquarters are coming down for their new name, United Wholesale Mortgage.

The merger deal that will put the lending giant on the NASDAQ will peg the company’s value initially at about $16 billion dollars.

And although metro Detroit is known for cars, students of regional history may know that we’re also the cradle of the consumer finance industry.

From auto loans to help make cars more accessible to store credit at places of yesterday like Hudsons, consumer credit powers America’s economy and a lot of it started right here.

So to navigate the waters of this deal, I’m going to chat with Matthew Rolling.

He has a career with experience in accounting firms, an automaker, and yes, full disclosure, worked for a time for Rock Ventures at one point – although that’s a couple of positions ago. Rolling is the executive director at Wayne State’s Office of Business Innovation, as well as an adjunct finance professor at the university.