Free Comic Book Day (FBCD) is right around the corner, which means comic book stores around the country are getting ready to celebrate. The annual event will be on Saturday, May 6 this year.

For those of you looking for a place to pick up your free comic book I suggest heading over to the Vault of Midnight in downtown Detroit.

Not only will you be participating in FCBD but you will also be celebrating the first anniversary of the Vault of Midnight’s Detroit location.

“We are so proud and so happy to be celebrating a year in Detroit,” says Amanda Reyes-Aquino Vault of Midnight’s Detroit Manager. “The city has been amazing to us. We can’t wait to meet folks that haven’t been to the shop yet and to say thank you to all of the people that visit us everyday. Free Comic Book Day is the perfect way to do it!”

The day will be filled with great sales, custom Vault of Midnight t-shirts from Hype Screen Print, and local artists ROTLAND PRESS and Francis Kulikowski. Word on the street is that Vault of Midnight’s neighbor Citizen Yoga will be having a free yoga class at 12:30 in honor of Free Comic Book Day.

Free Comic Book Day can get pretty busy, so be prepared to wait in line. I hear that there will be entertainment while you wait to get in the store. Waiting in line is also a great way to get to know people who are waiting in line with you. Maybe the person behind you has a great recommendation for a graphic novel that you’ve never heard of.

The Vault of Midnight will be open from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 6. To step back in the time machine and take a look at the place when it opened, visit our post here.

Vault of Midnight is at 1226 Library Street in Detroit.