With all of our digital technology and i-Things, there’s something special about hearing yourself on the radio. It’s still part of “the dream” for many aspiring musicians.

So it’s kinda magical and adorable when Jayme Orr, a singer from Wixom, heard her song for the first time on WDET-FM 101.9 on Rob Reinhart’s show. She recorded a video of the moment with her iPhone that’s been played more than 300,000 times. It’s one of the more fun things to watch, and might bring a smile to your day.

If you’d like to hear it yourself in full fidelity, here’s her Bandcamp link. You be the judge, but we agree with Reinhart – it IS well produced. Orr has a new EP coming out April 30, called “Healed.” Her latest, and what was played on the radio, is “Love is War.” You can find out more about her on her Facebook page.