On the heels of $824 million in state incentives being handed out today for battery plants in Michigan, I figured it was the right time to share my recent conversation with John Mozena.

He heads up the Center for Economic Accountability, and is a watchdog around the tax and other incentives handed out by governments locally, statewide, and across the United States.

In his view, they don’t make that much difference where a business locates but do tend to make politicians look good at the public’s expense.

But the price of an effective argument is a solution. And that solution might just be investing in the things that actually make our cities and states attractive to live in and stay, instead of band-aiding issues by tossing money out the door.

Whether you agree with John or not, I think this episode will make you put your thinking cap on.

It reminded me that there are plenty of ways people of good intention, but with different ideas, can work together to make things better.

Of course, if you have feedback - dailydetroit - at - gmail - dot com or voicemail 313-789-3211.

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