Today’s show with Matt Friedman of Tanner Friedman covers three big topics:

One – if you turned on the Tigers opening day, you might have noticed a name change and some new graphics as Fox Sports Detroit is now Bally Sports Detroit. We untangle what’s happening. Here’s Matt’s post about it:

Two – A marketing stunt with Volkswagen went sour when company public relations people confirmed that there was a new name – Voltswagen. Turns out, the german company says it’s “all a joke,” but not until it was widely reported in major news outlets. What’s the impact?

Three – There’s a lot of talk about transparency out in the world. But in reality, that usually doesn’t happen. And that’s not restricted to one political side or another. And we get into it. More:

Thanks to Tom who upped his support and Judy who joined us on Patreon:

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