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On today’s episode of Daily Detroit, we’re taking a look at the new and interesting things happening in Detroit’s dining and drinks scene.

There’s been so much happening it’s hard to keep up, so join Devon, Sven and Randy to talk about what’s hot and what’s not around town.

Some of the places we talk about include:

Bucharest, Bobcat Bonnies, Balkan House, The Highlands and Hearth 71, Leila, Longboard, a variety of cozy bars, Abicks, JoeBar, The Miracle at the Oakland, Whiskey Parlor, Ghost Bar, Folk, and more.

Also, thanks to this week’s show sponsor, The Sleigh Ball. That’s a winter dance party this Saturday featuring Raven from RuPaul’s Drag Race. Use code DAILYDETROIT25 for 25% off regular or VIP tickets. Link here.

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